My Dog Suddenly Became Very Attached to My Wife – When I Found Out His Reason, I Got Divorced

A Dog’s Loyalty, a Marriage’s Unraveling

In a twist of fate, my dog Rocky’s unwavering devotion to my wife Alicia exposed a painful truth that shattered our marriage. Alicia fell ill unexpectedly, and Rocky became her constant companion, even after her recovery. His unusual clinginess prompted concerns that escalated when he displayed aggression towards other dogs.

A veterinarian’s remark about Rocky’s attachment triggered a revelation—we realized Alicia might be pregnant. Testing confirmed my worst fears—Rocky’s instincts were right, but the child wasn’t mine. Confronting Alicia, she tearfully admitted to an affair.

Devastated by the betrayal, I couldn’t overlook the breach of trust. Despite her pleas, we divorced, dividing everything except Rocky, who had been my steadfast support. Starting anew with Rocky by my side, I found unexpected comfort in a chance encounter, hinting at a hopeful future ahead.

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