Our Granddaughter Pretended Not To Know Us When We Saw Her at the Restaurant With a Man — Her Reason Shocked Us

Our Granddaughter Pretended Not To Know Us When We Saw Her at the Restaurant With a Man — Her Reason Shocked Us

Evelyn and George are delighted to see Emily, their granddaughter, in a fancy restaurant, but Emily acts as though she doesn’t know them, leaving them perplexed. Concern quickly eclipses their anguish when they discover Emily’s life has devolved into a web of falsehoods. Is their grandchild able to be saved?


George and I have had a terrific time during the golden years. The biggest thrill in our tranquil, comfortable suburban area is usually when the mailman comes or when a particularly talkative squirrel shows up.
Though gardening, book clubs, and the occasional game of Scrabble occupy our days, our granddaughter Emily brings us the most happiness. That girl is our pride and delight. a true achiever moving up the corporate ladder of a renowned company.

To be honest, though, it does keep her so busy that we don’t get to see her as often as we would like. Every Sunday, she calls, but it’s not the same.
We miss Emily and never would have thought that our relationship would nearly fall apart the next time we saw her.
It all began with a harmless supper last week.

One night, I said, “George,” What if we gave ourselves a night out? There is that new fine dining establishment that everyone has been raving about. Don’t you think we deserve a little enjoyment?”
Peering over his reading spectacles, George looked up from his newspaper. “Evelyn, a night out sounds wonderful. Let’s get started.”
So, feeling a little like teens on a date, we left while still dressed to the nines. The restaurant exuded sophistication, featuring delicate lighting and immaculate white tablecloths. I couldn’t resist taking in the atmosphere as we were eating our meal and debating dessert while looking about the space.
It was then that I spotted her. Our Emily, arriving with a tall, dapper gentleman in tow. My heart gave a happy jump.

“Look, George! It’s Emily here.” I gave a hearty wave, a big smile flashing across my face.
However, an odd event occurred. Emily’s expression stopped as soon as she noticed us. As if she had encountered a ghost. She swiftly looked away, as if she didn’t see us. My heart fell, hurting a little and bewildered.
“She noticed us, George. I muttered, my delight turning to concern, “I know she did.”
George, who is always composed, gave me a hand pat. So let’s go say hi. There ought to be a rationale.”

My pulse raced as we got closer to her table. She was leaning in, and I could not read his expression. Emily looked up at us when we eventually arrived at them, her eyes wide with something that was almost fearful but not quite.
“Who are these people? Please don’t bother bothering me or my friend. “I’m not familiar with you,” she remarked in a chilly, detached tone.
It was like to a blow to the abdomen. My own granddaughter, feigning ignorance of who we are.

“How could you?” With trembling in my voice, I asked.
Emily’s face reddened, but George intervened before she could respond.
“We apologize,” he stated. “We must’ve made a mistake.”
As George escorted me away, I could see the pain reflected in his eyes. Dazed, we walked out of the restaurant. It was as though my heart was shattering into a million fragments.
Once we got into our car, I started crying uncontrollably.
“George, why? Why would she act in such way?
As he drove, George tried to comfort me by putting his hand on my forearm. “Evelyn, there has to be a cause. Perhaps all she was feeling was embarrassment or something. We’ll speak with her to resolve this.”


But little was gained by his remarks. The icy tone in Emily’s words and the expression in her eyes were all I could focus on. Behaving like we were strangers, our dear Emily.
When I got out of the car at home, I wiped away my tears. Abigail, our neighbor, was still out in her garden even though it was becoming dark. She is a good-hearted lady who always watches out for everyone in the community. She came over right away, seeing my face full of tears, and asked what was wrong.
The ever-steady George gave an explanation of what had transpired. Concern widened Abigail’s eyes.
“It seems like Emily was with that same man the other day. They were having a disagreement. Evelyn, that didn’t look good.”

Her words made my already sad heart feel even more concerned. What was Emily’s situation? This man she was with, who was he? And why did she think it necessary to act as though we didn’t exist?
I had a terrible sensation that something wasn’t right as I lay in bed that night. We had to find a way to aid Emily; she was in jeopardy.
However, how? I attempted to sleep, but the question kept coming back to me. I was still having trouble when someone called.
I instantly sat up and turned to face George. He also was awake. We looked at each other anxiously; nobody calls at this hour unless they have urgent business. With a racing heart, I took up the receiver.
“Hello?” With a slight tremble in my voice, I spoke.

“Grandma, it’s me, Emily,” was the trembling exchange. Her voice was a sob-filled, nervous mess. “I apologize so much. Would you please pardon me, and so will Grandpa? I promise to provide you all the details.”
I experienced a wave of contradictory feelings, including profound, hurting concern in addition to relief at hearing her voice.
“Oh, of course, my dear! Just while I’m making a cup of tea, I’ll—”
Emily yelled, “No, not over the phone.”
An further surge of unease washed over me. “Come by tomorrow and we’ll sort this out then, okay?”
Emily said that she would, and hung up before I could tell her how much I cherished her.
The following morning, I was waiting for Emily by pacing the living room and occasionally looking out the window. George sat in his favorite armchair, trying not to show his worry by remaining composed.

When Emily’s automobile finally arrived, she approached the door and appeared more frail than I had ever seen her.
She came inside and started crying as soon as she saw us.
“I’m so sorry, Grandma and Grandpa!” she sobbed, falling into my arms. I hugged her tightly as I felt the tears in her body trembling.
“There you are, sweetheart. It’s alright. Please just tell us what transpired,” I leaned down and stroked her hair.
Emily withdrew a little and wiped her eyes. “My supervisor, Mr. Harris, was the man at the restaurant. He believes you two are dead, which is why I treated you both so rudely.”
My mouth fell open.

Emily went on, “He’s been putting a lot of pressure on me at work.” “I told him that I couldn’t keep up and that I needed an excuse to take a little vacation. I told them I had to take time off to attend your funerals.”
George’s brow knitted as he scowled. “So you lied about us being… gone?”
Emily gave an embarrassed nod. Yes, I did mention that I had to go to your funerals because you had both passed away. I could think of no other method to get a break than this.”
My hand went to my mouth as I gasped. “Oh, Emily…”
“I was afraid my deception would be discovered when you arrived at the restaurant. I became frightened, and I truly apologize. I had no intention of hurting you.”
Although George’s expression relaxed, his eyes continued to hold a tinge of sadness. “Abigail informed us that you and he got into a fight. What was the purpose of that?”
Emily’s hands shook as she inhaled deeply.

Mr. Harris has been asking me to do things that aren’t right,” she admitted. Dubious actions taken to present the business favorably to customers. We had an argument because I wouldn’t do it, and I’ve been battling with it.”
My heart was breaking for her. It appeared as though the entire world rested on her shoulders, and she was the only one bearing it.
“Oh, sweetheart, you ought to have visited us earlier. We are always available to you.”
Emily began to cry openly once more. “I apologize for everything; I know. I really apologize for lying and acting as though I didn’t know you. I made horrible choices because I was afraid.”
George got to his feet and approached her, placing his hand on her shoulder. Emily, we sympathize with your damaged feelings, but we also get it. Nobody should have to deal with the stress you’ve been under on their own. We absolve you.”

I hugged her again after giving her a nod. “You are forgiven, dear. We will always love you.”
Once again, the three of us were a family sitting together on the couch, supporting one another and sharing our suffering. We were relieved to have Emily back, and her regret was evident as well.
After some time, Emily’s voice became more steady as she announced, “I’ve decided to quit my job.” “I can’t continue working in these circumstances. I’ve been hired by a smaller company where they treat their staff members properly and value integrity.”
George grinned, his eyes gleaming with pride. “That is our girl. We were confident that you would overcome this.”

I felt a profound sense of calm when I squeezed her hand. Emily, you’ve always had such strength. We’re very proud of the woman you’ve grown into and are here for you.”
I came to the realization that our family was stronger than ever as the sun sank outside and threw a pleasant warmth through the windows. Together, we had weathered a storm and emerged victorious. And that was the most important thing of all.

our family’s ties, albeit broken and repaired, would sustain us. Emily had gained the resilience to make the correct decisions, even if she had learnt a difficult lesson. And we, her devoted grandparents, would always be there for her, with arms wide open and hearts brimming with affection.